
BibTeX Reference for “Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification”

  author      = "Antoine Quint and Dean Jackson and Chris Lilley and Anthony Grasso and Nandini Ramani and Jon Ferraiolo and Doug Schepers and Ola Andersson and Andrew Emmons and Craig Northway and Erik Dahlstr{\"{o}}m and Andreas Neumann and Vincent Hardy and Scott Hayman and Robin Berjon and Andrew Shellshear and Cameron McCormack",
  title       = "Scalable Vector Graphics ({SVG}) Tiny {1.2} Specification",
  month       = dec,
  note        = "",
  year        = "2008",
  bibsource   = "",
  type        = "{W3C} Recommendation",
  institution = "W3C",


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